Make karmic headway with the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus!
... On the Oracle Degree Symbol for the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction ♃︎ ☌︎ ♅
"A blindfolded woman who can see the future."
Today, April 20th 2024, at 9:00 p.m. CST there is a Jupiter - Uranus conjunction in Taurus.
This rare conjunction happens only once every 14 years. When these two outer planets meet, we can prepare ourselves for large downloads of information or sudden clarifying shifts in our understanding leading to innovative expansive thought.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and higher truth, meets Uranus, the planet of influential change, innovation, upheaval, and unpredictability.
These downloads of information may come in a mysterious or surprising form.
This conjunction speaks on love providing us a vision for the divinity of yourself and the divinity of everything and everyone. These overloads of information may make a huge impact our lives. Whatever the download is, it will create a lot of change personally and collectively. It is the beginning of something new. Our predictable patterns of relating to the things of Taurus are bound to be disrupted, demanding a new approach.
This conjunction can bring us a deep recognition of our divinity that drives us to vow to abide in our highest truth, as our divine identity. This vow that we make to ourselves to stay with the truth of our being can be revolutionary to our patterns of thinking and believing.
Love is a guiding light that shows us the truth within. Any reflection that is not of truth may become seen for what it is, obsolete and powerless to your self esteem going forward.
The Oracle Degree Interpretation:
All we have ever wanted is to be happy and free of suffering, conflict, and karma. When suffering or conflict shows up, we struggle to recognize ourselves or the choices we have right in front of us. All lifetimes are interconnected. In this life, we are given the duty of correcting the errors and restore order as quickly as possible. This is a karmic adjustment. If something has gone wrong, it must be made right, immediately. Seeing how interconnected this moment is to all moments is the initiation we have needed for lifetimes past. We see the inner tracks leading out into the future, how this will lead to that.
Our intention at this time will determine what happens in all moments hereafter and for eternity. This moment matters greatly. We learn to acknowledge here what is absolutely crucial when it comes to undoing the errors of the recent lifetime. If things aren’t working right, we feel an extreme urge to change our fate. This is a soul correction. A divine will. We make whatever adjustment is necessary to set things right again.
We may feel that the situation is a bunch of nonsense, that is, that it doesn’t serve a purpose because of how intense or challenging it seems. Current events take place that seems to be there for the sole purpose of punishing us for our wrongdoings.
If we try to remove ourselves from this and see it as nonsense, we will take another step in error, which will take us further away from harmony, happiness, and clear seeing. When we avoid our fate, we meet our fate. It is when you turn around and face the moment that you will be breaking your karma and doing what is right. Notice what is around you and take inspiration from the manifestations of your true nature.
With this Uranus - Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, we may get a glimpse into the foreseeable future. We can have a vision in a breakthrough moment where we can clearly see the truth or what’s about to happen. This is helpful if there is anything that is headed our way to be worried about.
A bunch of nonsense is in the works. It may cause us to lapse in our judgment of what’s right and wrong and send us into a karmic loop. At the same time, there is potential for us to handle things now as intelligent beings. This vision at the Jupiter - Uranus conjunction will only show you something if it is possible for you to take, and because you see it coming, you can course correct. You do have the capacity to deal with and handle what’s right in front of you.
Although, we could also very quickly let our egos win, which is not ideal. That would be the nonsense that we are trying to avoid.
This degree gets us not to get caught up in the drama when conflict arises in a situation. We don’t run away; we resolve it here and now.
Set this intention to not fall for it what is apparently happening on the outside. All the stuff that we work to release is trying to come back to you somehow. Our ego is trying to establish itself after we’ve released a lot of the attachment, so we have to make sure that we continue to keep ourselves clear in our vision. We understand that the situation will not sway us in who we are no matter how it appears. Perhaps you could have a very clear sense of the truth at the time of this new moon. It will help us lose interest in becoming involved with the phenomena and dramas of the ego. We’re not going to follow what our ego is trying to get us to do or think.
In the highest octave, we are disengaged and disinterested in the common presumption of the separate self that this situation is here as a punishment. See that the choice we have at this moment is the key to what we have always wanted. It is taking place right in front of our eyes. In separation, we see it appear as conflict and suffering. In wholeness, we no longer perpetuate separation, and as a result, we know what’s in front of us as a blessing and an opportunity to heal.
When we change our karma, there is still a residue of feeling yourself to be a separate self.
If we set this intention, we can do something incredibly hard to do with grace. Breaking karma isn’t something everyone can do at this time. You have to be willing to see clearly that your suffering is an intuition, calling you to act now and knowing how it counts for everything in the future.
This degree is getting us to see where we have fallen asleep to the truth; thus, we have perpetuated our suffering. We say enough is enough. No nonsense. There’s no need to entertain any of these egoic ideas of separation.
You know where the bones are buried. You know the deepest bonds of truth. This truth is the key to the spiritual awakening we are drawn to through our feelings and intuition. It is the feeling in our bones. We know that’s what’s right because we hold a collection of past life trauma, which were our promises to the soul that we would be free of this suffering in the next incarnation, and we would leave it there. We would surrender that over. But the ego is so strong, and its limitation is very repetitive, holding us back from following through with this soul promise.
And this is the reason it’s so important to do this work now in this lifetime and make a really solid intention to do so and really find out what it would be like to free ourselves from the bonds of our untruth.
This is the most penetrating insight into ourselves into the future life, and it’s up to us to act according to our highest truth. If we were actually to accomplish this and follow-through, our lives would become more straightforward. Our happiness would not be something that we will try to attain any longer. Justice and peace wouldn’t be a pursuit anymore. When we are centered, we can see how the situation resolves itself, gifting us the ability to be with ourselves. The ego-drama subsides.
When we see that the separate self is non-existent, the ego dies. When the ego dies, it becomes a phantom in the body.
Pain, fear, and anger haunt us only because they are commonly assumed to exist. When we see this clearly, we become disinterested in anything except for what is good and what is right within our soul. Any attempt to bypass our truth will only lead us to repeat our karma.
Likewise, believing all these bad like horrible things about yourself that aren’t true validates those untruths and indeed perpetuates karma. We fear that they are not things that we could ever change about ourselves. Don’t fall for believing that you can’t change or don’t deserve to have happiness and love. This is what shadow work is all about. No appearance can come between the truth and ourselves. We are the truth.